Thursday, May 13, 2010


Everything in the game is, by default, simply measured in 'units'. These don't properly convert to any real-world measures, since nothing in Rul-Skaath is real and objects and beings can exist on all sorts of scales.

A character's avatar is Personal Might > value units in height, by default.

On his turn, he can move to and/or interact with anything within Personal Domain > value units that isn't protected by some sort of barrier. He can't move or act through barriers, but he can through mid-air. If his turn ends off the ground and he can't fly, however, he falls.

This movement is somewhat abstract; during your turn (both before and after you take any other actions) you can move around all you like within the radius of your movement, you just have to pick some specific point at which to end your movement at when your turn ends.

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