Thursday, July 22, 2010

Paper and Pencil Procedural Dungeons

I haven't had a lot to say on the blog for a while now. It's harder to think much on RPG-related topics after an extended period of no-current-gaming-group syndrome.

Anyway, though, thought I'd point this out. It's more of a toy than a game, but it's fun enough, and there's a free version.

How to Host a Dungeon

I bought the full version a while back. It's not a huge addition to the free version, but at $5 for the .pdf, the price is right.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Revisiting Old Thoughts

This blog is still young, and built pretty haphazardly. A post here, a post there, and almost no pattern or sense to them. As I mentioned before, there are lots of incomplete thoughts.

My current unfinished business includes:

  • Rul-Skaath, which has a variety of posts near the beginning of the blog, but is still not even the bare bones of a system. This one I'll definitely return to at some point, I just can't be sure when.
  • The Games I Play -- I reviewed the ones I hate the most, but what about the mediocre and the good? I should get around to that sometime.
  • The Changeling-esque oath system. It doesn't interest me as much when I'm not playing around with a game that uses it. The best odds for me ever finishing it are if I do some kind of fae-oriented GURPS game or something, or if someone actually requests it.
  • The random thoughts on that other game I didn't start. Not sure if I'll use it or not, but I'm going to hang on to it. It may or may not see development in the future.